Six months ago (six!) we told you: "Hey, we are back after a long time of no blogging and we'll provide you some super interesting, witty and humorously written blog posts." We gave you four. In total. And then we stopped blogging again. For two months. You must be thinking: "Okay guys, don't kid yourselves, just admit it. You aren't meant to be... Bloggers."
Well then, let's give you a heads-up of what has happened during the last couple of months.
A big applause for Vicente, please...
Because he has passed all of his exams! Party!
He succesfully passed the first semester of this academical year and can now start the second part. During which he will follow a sign language course, Spanish and English. Now. How. Cool. Is. That?!
And for Elien it has been working, skating, working, skating,...

Before this news app, called NUUUS (which is actually the English word for 'news', but written phonetically in Dutch), Flanders didn't have any kind of medium providing information for just this target group. NUUUS would like to change that. So far the project has been well received by the audience. But like any other start-up project, it still has a long way to go. But in the meantime, the app has some funny - and especially screamingly colourful - articles.
The articles are always written in Dutch, since the main target group consists of Flemish youngsters or Dutch speaking young people living in Flanders. The project treats national and international news, written in a slight more accesable way than adult news.
And next to the serious stuff, NUUUS also has things like the gif you can see to the right (and which is increbidly ingenious).

Unfortunately, not all projects made it to a happy end. There was a 365-days-project, taking a significant picture everyday and posting it - that didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. The project (Elien's) only made it up until day ninety-eight.
Long story short, we're still here. And we still have some nice Belgian-Spanish blogposts in mind.
Hasta luego,
Tot later,
Elien & Vince
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