Well, hi there! ¡Hola! Hallo!
Welcome back to the third JournaQuesta, a contest in which we test your language skills. La JournaQuesta is published every two weeks on this blog, always on Thursday evening. Whoever first guesses the right answer, receives the most awesome linguistic reward you have ever seen. Okay, maybe not the most awesome, but still a prize that comes close to it.
So, here below we have published a music video by the Belgian band Arsenal. As you might have guessed, the JournaQuesta of today has something to do with the lyrics. A hint? Listen to the song carefully, because the text just might include a spoiler ;)
You think you know the right answer? Let us know!
Participating to La JournaQuesta is possible up until Tueseday, May 20. The winner of this contest will be announced during the next test. Up until then, may the Force be with you.
Speaking of winners: we had some people who have sent us the right answer for the previous JournaQuesta (which was 'Spruitjes', by the way). Unfortunately, they did not send us their email adress or any other personal information, so we weren't able to contact and reward them. Therefore, we would like to ask you - if you want to win our awesome language prize - to please include your email address in the survey. Thank you very much!
Bonne chance and hasta la vista, baby.
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