Goodnight there! Goedenavond! ¡Buenas tardes! (yes, tardes, because it might be evening everywhere in Europe, for Spain it isn't yet)
Welcome to the second JournaQuesta, a contest in which we test your language skills. La JournaQuesta is published every two weeks on this blog, always on Thursday evening. Whoever first guesses the right answer, receives the most awesome linguistic reward you have ever seen. Okay, maybe not the most awesome, but still a prize that comes close to it. Here goes this edition's question:
You think you know the right answer? Let us know!
Participating to La JournaQuesta is possible up until Tueseday, May 6. The winner of this contest will be announced during the next test. And remember, help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.
Speaking of winners: the person who won the previous JournaQuesta is Yannik De Valck! He answered first that the row with the Spanish letter was indeed the row containing 'ñ'. Congratulations, Yannik. You may expect a little linguistic surprise in your real life mailbox soon ;)
Well, good luck/veel geluk/buena suerte to the next participants! See you at the next edition!
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